Sunday, September 11, 2016

Animal Information Report

Bald Eagle The Bald eagle is a bird that is found in north America Description When the Bald Eagle is flying it rarely flaps its wings.There were around three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand in the 1700s and now there is around seventy thousand in the whole of North America,Alaska and Canada. Habitat Bald Eagles live near streams of water in Canada and Alaska and in other places all over the lower forty eight states in Mexico. Diet Bald Eagles eat fish of lots of other kinds Bald Eagles like to eat Salmon,Herrings,shad and catfish.But Bald Eagles eat a big variety of food but depending on what is available to eat.They also eat other birds and reptiles and mammals including Rabbits and Muskrats. Other Facts Bald Eagles can reach high heights using a thermal conversion currents.They climb up to three thousand meters and ten thousand feet in the air.And they can rise high in the sky for hours using the currents.A mating pair makes up to three eggs a year but it is not likely that all three will survive. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs. While one is incubating the other searches for food or more nesting materials. By Karlow

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